Tuesday, December 8, 2009


'HOLY EARTH' turns to mud, as images are crumbled to dust! This also includes MAN, who is supposedly created from the dust of the earth(and not from gold) an admirable theory since in those countries where the sacred texst,scrolls, and writings originated and mentioned creation have a lot of SAND or DUST and we all tend, in the Western World, the US at least, to consider nearly all Middle Eastern areas as composed of DESERTS, conditioned in part by old movies supposedly set in such places as Arabia or Egypt(but actually filmed in the US in US deserts for the most part or those actually filmed in Deserts on the continent of africa and elsewhere). Since sand and dust were and are so prfevalent in those areas as in other parts of the world, that such should be the building blocks of man's body should come as not surprise. However, EVOLUTIONISTS have gone a step further and postulated that all life,including man, came from the PRIMODIAL OOZE, or, MUD to you, which was found at the bottom of seas, oceans, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams,etc.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


The evolution of MANKIND or HUMANITY or of PRIMITIVE MEN,etc. must always be considered a special study apart from ordinary considerations of evolution,no matter the type or style of various proponents of EVOLUTION. The reason this constitutes a special study apart from that of other animals and especially PRIMATES is that MAN is the only 'creature' or 'animal' or 'entity' that has cultivated plants to a large extend and extracted the substances found in them and made wide use of such and also who has created a 'collective' government or institution that animals have not done or cannot do. Despite the 'social-insects',like bees and ants, all worthy of study to be sure, only MAN has 'subdued' most of the earth and developed conveyances to do so! MAN IS THE ONLY ANIMAL THAT SMOKES! Yes, you can teach chimps to smoke but you can't get them to grow tobacco or make paper to roll such up in! Man also makes alcohol and imbibes it in social settings usually which animals seem not to do much of. Although anthropologists and other scientists can seemingly find traces of all of man's abilities in the so-called 'lower animals' and point to some behaviors as indicative of traits humans might have kept, there is not actual proof as yet that such really is the case. Of course, when we examine 'tribal-primitive-native,etc. ' peoples we sometimes find 'the vestiges of civilization' in some of their customs, mores, and beliefes,etc.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


By extension the topic of 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS' can also another topic for modern minds, entitled, 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF HUMANS' with the subtopics of: 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF CHILDREN', 'THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF MINORITIES', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF TERRORISTS', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF "GAYS & LESBIANS" ', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF PRISONERS(CRIMINALS), ETC.,ETC. Aside from the fact that all of these 'treatments' are a big business in the field of politics, social reform, government, and colleges, we can, on a lesser scale, discuss 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF PLANTS', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF INSECTS', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF TREES', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF FISH', 'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF FORESTS,DESERTS, RIVERS,ETC.ETC. extending to the very 'ETHICAL TREATMENT OF MINERALS', no doubt.


'THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS' is one of those categorical considerations that has gained considerable discussion among certain 'thinkers' and segments of society in recent years. This notion extends itself to a number of interesting aspects and falls usually into two extremes. When considering 'the ethical treatment of animals' many consider right off, domestic animals ,such as, cows, horses, pigs, and birds, and especially 'pets', like cats and dogs. To see how these extremes manifest themselves, take a look at the subject of 'dogs' which in one aspect involve very pampered, sheltered, well-fed(often better than many people, especially in Third World Nations(whatever they really are) and that receive excellent 'medical care' that often is as expensive, if not more so, than that of their owners. These pets are often considered as 'members of one's family'! At the other extreme is that dogs are often subjected to 'fights' around the world, where gambling and 'entertainment' are sought by devotees to this special 'social-cult' and 'addiction' or otherwise used as 'food' or in some other capacity. Dogs are often seen as 'lowly' and also seldom considered, as in the first extreme, as 'MAN'S BEST FRIEND'! Dogs, cats, mice, rats, birds, and a whole host of animals serve as 'food for mankind, of course and their 'corpses' are often found on the best dining tables in homes and restaurants, though drastically modified from their 'raw' state by applications of heat(varied degrees) and additions of 'special spices' if not sauces! But the extension of this 'extreme school of thought' about animals is the 'scientific' utilizaton of animal 'subjects' for what was once termed ages ago as 'vivisection' but nowadays for medical studies of various kinds to 'benefit all of mankind'! The result of all these 'extremes' has posed a dilemma for many persons, who waiver between 'absolute vegetarianism' to 'fruititarianism' to 'an-all meat diet',sometimes including 'raw-foods! To resolve all of these 'ethical-humanitarian-social-religious,etc. problems' we need only consider what the Descartes sort of described in his philosophical considerations & deliberations, all of which pertain on one level to some very 'occult-esoteric' matters, some say derived from his 'Rosicrucianism'. Descartes is considered the 'author' of what can be termed, 'THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE' in which animals, machines, are SOULESS and therefore, do not feel 'real' pain or experience the same sensations, ideas, and experiences of MANKIND. There is more to this, of course, that discussed here and, quite likely, the upshot of his 'philosophy' was misapplied by those who read and misread him, especially on a 'practical' basis but such views tended to lead to 'animal experimentation' and other 'scientific endeavors' that have presumeably 'benefited mankind' to a greater or lesser degree(of good)!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


To many, especially ordinary thinkers, filled with cleverness and the like, this will seem rather obvious and is often quoted along with,'WHERE THERE'S SMOKE THERE'S FIRE". However, the statement made contains two parts of the GREAT PUZZLE or PROBLEM mentioned in this blog and is akin to: ROCK,PAPER,SCISSORS or WOLF,RABBIT,CABBAGE which are three parts that have to be dealt with if one is to achieve certain specified things in life,difficult to do as things tend to happen, according to the LAW OF ACCIDENT and not only according to THE LAW OF FATE. If you have read about THE ROCK & THE EGG, then the old tale of THE ROCK & THE PITCHER will be most familiar to you and the conclusion will be THE PITCHER(WATER OR WINE OR ELIXIR) will be in bad shape whether if falls on the rock or the rock falls on the pitcher. Have you figured out yet what the EGG or the PITCHER are?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The false gods of contemporary man are msot numerous and very demanding,robbing men of their energies, theri true abilities and pure aspirations and their 'souls' which lie dormant or deformed or do not as yet exist. Men have no souls, really, but only the potential to create 'souls' which are far from being entirely immortal except within the bounds of the 'SOLAR SYSTEM' which no one really understands in the 'esoteric' sense. The 'DEVIL' or 'SATAN' or 'THE SERPENT' has told men: YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE'and this is the basis for the notion that man has an immortal soul that death cannot destroy. Just what the 'serpent',the 'devil' or 'satan' signify is, of course, something only a handful have figured out and even then their conclusions are 'doubtful' to say the least. There are two basic entities that man tends to worship(in some form or another,under numerous terms): MATTER & SPIRIT. MATTER has many aspects as does SPIRIT. A good example of MATTER is MAMMON or the God of Money for the ancients. SPIRIT has a very powerful aspect, SEX which assumes various subforms or facets, one of which is ONANISM, or false gratification of spiritual/sexual desires and expenditures of basic energies on artificial contrivances like: movies, television, computers, and other things that fascinate, hypnotize, or exert GLAMOUR- a spell that attracts attention away from 'REMEMBERING ONE'S SELF' AT ALL TIMES!


MOST PEOPLE PRESENTLY EXISTING ON THIS PLANET CALLED 'EARTH' ARE ACCIDENTS OF B IRTH, THE RESULTS OF LUST,PASSION, AND SEXUAL INTERCOURSE OF SOME KIND, but a vast majority all consider themselves 'created by God' or 'divine specimens', completely unique, the apex of 'creaton', the 'topmost', the 'utmost',etc. Many people spend time attempting to make 'sense' of the 'senseless' or 'sense' of 'NON-sense' or delve into a set of religious writings, as edifying and interesting as such may be, to justify their existence, to explain man's inhumanity to man, as well as to all forms of life, and to explain and/or relieve their anxieties that arise when confronted by 'evils', 'contradictions' or 'diverse' cultures. Reams of various scriptures are quoted and misquoted to explain whey God allows things to happen in the way they do happen and why mankind 'suffers', why mankind 'sins', why misery,strife, poverty, wars, and all kinds of things that do not meet everyone's approval exist! Arguments and dissertations abound on why God doesn't answer the prayers of everyone and anyone who appeals to Him, under whatever name is applied to whatever notion(s) one has of "GOD'. These believers reject the simple explanation that 'THERE IS NO GOD' that most ahteists and some agnostics put forth and prefer a rather UNCLEAR,jumbled and superstitious metaphysic that GOD DOES ALL IN HIS OWN GOOD TIME and will impose a VAST JUDGMENT designed to 'SEPARATE THE GOATS FROM THE SHEEP", believing, of course, that the 'goats'(with horns and cloven hooves) will go to HELL(for eternity) and the 'sheep' will enter HEAVEN(for all eternity)-NOT REALIZING,of course, that both goats and sheep are 'FOOD' and both are destined for slaughter! The terms 'sheep' and 'goats' are not to be taken literally but if you 'get someone's goat' what does that mean? It is an old expression. The 'scapegoat' either released into the wilderness or 'sacrificed' is the COUNTERPART of'the Lost Sheep' or 'the sacrificial LAMB' of ancient religions. 'SHEEP' & 'GOATS' multiply, reproduce and 'HERD'-their behaviour is often analogous to s0-called 'HUMAN BEHAVIOUR'. Masses of mankind, of course, have been slaughtered and massacred through the centuries for all kinds of reasons-but initially perhaps to serve as food-since cannibalism is still with us, as are a lot of other human institutions like: headhunting,piracy,slavery, tatooing,witchcraft,human sacrifice, etc.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


GREAT NATURE has recently let loose with an earthquake, a tsunami, and typhoons. While most persons merely view these things as 'tragedies', 'natural disasters', etc. the thing is that GREAT NATURE demands certain expenditures of energies and this is one of many ways of obtaining such. FOOD FOR THE GODS is based on the fact that ALL LIFE CONSUMES LIFE. THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT PRE-EXISTING LIFE. Man and all life transforms things. When you fall into the ocean or seas you become 'shark-bait' and when you fall off a cliff in the jungles and your die there, insects and bugs,etc. eat your flesh and also when you die, bacteria and microorganisms devour you body. Where then in these situations is YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL? Where are YOU? Is there any such entity as YOU?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


In order to gain a better understanding of the 'GREAT PROBLEM' as presented on this blog and some others, I have decided to discuss THE WOLF. Nearly all of us are familiar with the IMAGE of THE WOLF, and most especially of images that movies and TV,etc. have created and shown to audiences around the world. Folklore and literature are full of references to 'wolves' and the usual descriptions of wolves are both accurate and inaccurate,depending on what you actually know about wolves and also, dogs. However, most of us are aware of the WEREWOLF if only from novels and movies and I must say that I learned about such at around age 12 or 13 from reading and radio programs and so forth. The image of the Werewolf or rather the idea of such is related to shape-shifters and the like. I don't have time to go into this as deeply as I would like. Wolves have certain characteristics,run in packs, have a fierceness, and some are LONE WOLVES, as those of Spanish/Mexican descent will know as, EL LOBO. These lone wolves are 'mavericks' or very old, cunning, and so forth. They want to survive! Again, more has to be said on this. In regards to the GREAT PROBLEM, your task is to keep the wolf intact, and not let it be destroyed or neglected,etc. and to CONTROL it. The Wolf repesents certain energies that are within you but you have to discover this. They are also 'wolfish' tendencies and traits, not just urges, desires, and unused forces,etc. You must not let the wolf devour you, eat you up, or scare you, but you have to discover this. It does little to read about this or have someone tell you all about this! If you can see what this is all about, then you can go onto the rabbit, the cabbage, the boat, the river, the shores and YOU!

Monday, September 14, 2009


This problem, THE CHICKEN & THE EGG seldom leaves a 'good taste' in the mouths of Creationists(those who believe that some Superior Entity or Being created everything and especially the Chicken and the Egg) and Evolutionists, who believe that NATURAL SELECTION led to eggs and chickens. Is there a solution to this question that irks so many? WHICH CAME FIRST; THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? Please give your thoughts on all this and perhaps you will discover something about nature, eggs, chickens, man, and yourself. Think of it as 'the sound of one hand clapping'(maybe).

Friday, September 11, 2009


First, one should familiarize oneself with this 'problem' which is to convey these three things INTACT and SAFELY across a river, stream,etc. in a boat or raft or craft that will only accommodate YOU and ONLY ONE of the three at a time in this crossing. In looking at this, you will,if you are honest, discover a few things about yourself. BUT if I should present this problem in actuality and require to you to solve it PHYSICALLY what would you discover? What would it prove about you and the problem and so forth? I can tell you that most people would not be able to accomplish this task for innumerable reasons and some of them you can imagine or surmise, but there are much deeper reasons. Most try to solve it MENTALLY, THEORETICALLY, LOGICALLY, RATIONALLY with 'no-sweat'/no strain, no EFFORT! Having solved this problem mentally does not mean you UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM and how it applies to you! I shall discuss this after everyone who reads this has time to ponder it and I invite all comments on it. Gracis Muchisimo!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


For those having difficulty in grasping the 'essence' of this 'predicament' which some might feel in the actual human condition, REMEMBER a description(of anything or any event or occurrence) is NOT an explanation. We often take a mere description of things and attempt to turn it into an explanation,even a complex theory,rather than simply sensing the event or situation. The tendency to 'intellectualize' is a common one for many people who confront such descriptions, like the 'egg' and the 'rock' and this is evident in attempts to add more to the situation than is needed or is there. These 'problems' or 'descriptions' tell more about the people who react to them in various ways or comment on them,from those who theorize and conjecture to those who reject those notions. The workings of the mind or the mental functions and faculties come into focus and argumentative persons always try to 'get-one-up' on the affair and bring up extraneous itmes to confuse, irritate, and befuddle. RIGID MENTAL STANCES & POSTURES are adopted by many in this frame of mind. TThe problem or description of the 'egg' & 'rock' evokes interesting reactions from people.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


!When the egg falls on the rock-ALAS! When the rock falls on the egg-ALAS! This illustrates the LAW OF ACCIDENT but many confuse the issue by thinking that someone, something, some Being, has to do such-drop the egg or the rock, hence, signaling an intention whether human or Divine. But who can fathom the intentions of the UNIVERSE or of GREAT NATURE? We make feeble attempts and then there are no end of prophets, seers, wisemen, sages, mystics, saints, etc. that either with words or example attempt to rouse us from our stupor. For such we should be more grateful but few of us are! THINGS HAPPEN! So, we must get away from being under the law of accident. Eggs in a nest on a tree may be blown out by strong winds and dashed to the ground and smashed,never reaching their bird-potential! Eggs in a nest on a cliff may be smashed by rocks tumbling down into their nook or cranny or whatever. Such things happen to mankind and we can cite many examples. Some call this FATE of DESTINY.



Friday, September 4, 2009


Teh pursuit of Happiness,often equated with pleasure entirely, is for GREAT NATURE an absurd irrelevance unless it pertains to survival value.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The recent earthquake in JAVA prompts me to discuss this briefly. The earth is a vibrating, pulsating ORB which man does not fully appreciate probably. It is, as some claim, a sort of ARC, that is a space-ship on which we are traveling in space or the universe, although we do not realize this. It is also a place of EXILE for mankind. But to get back to earthquakes, many of us ignore the fact that not only can hundreds of people perish in them, but thousands can. The lessons of past earthquakes from Pompei,Thera, San Francisco, and other areas, as in China, have shown us that in an instant things can come tumbling down, crashing down, around us. GREAT NATURE requires certain energies to be released and earthquakes are one way this happens. We seldom mourn for the victims of these 'disasters'

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The Theory of Intelligent Design considers that LIFE itself has a specific design and for most holders of this theory, It is a DIVINE BEING that has designed LIFE and,in effect, set the WORLD in motion. There are innumerable difficulties in holding this belief in the way most religous persons do and most feel it most necessary to hold this notion in order to survive death. An analogy might show something about this. If MANKIND is compared to a FOREST,which is composed of living trees(let's hope you can see the trees for the forest and vice versa),then certain laws operate in this natural environment. The forest as we conceive it, is subject to storms, fires, and so forth but one thing confronts the forest: MAN. The Wood Chopper and the Wood Cutter come and chop or hew down the trees and turn them into 'products' or for firewood,etc. Some trees end up as toilet paper in the more 'civilized' countries of the West. Are any of the trees or logs cut down ever resurrected? Do they have immortal souls? Of course, they are transformed into other things or simply rot and become absorbed into the earth possibly. The figure of the GRIM REAPER, a symbol of death, can be compared to the Woodcutter . You can supply your own images of this and find many writings on a similar vein if you look. You can by examining history find examples of peoples all over the earth who have been 'cut down' ,slaughtered, decimated,etc. like the trees in this 'hypothetical' forest. Pondering on this calls to mind what one tyrant is claimed to have said:"THE DEATH OF ONE MAN IS A TRAGEDY; THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS IS A STATISTIC."


Those who are just starting out in life need experience and knowledge but eventually all who reach very mature ages, over sixty or so, must, if their life is to have any real value,any real meaning, reconstruct their life(or lives as the case may be). FAILURE TO RECONNECT, RECONSTRUCT, will lead to the ULTIMATE DISSOLUTION. Clinging to long-cherished notions and doctrines of 'soul immortality' will not save one from this process that GREAT NATURE has established, for only a handul, possibly, believe that animal and vegetable life(lives) possess souls. Does an ant or a spider, a rose or a dandelion,possess a soul? Then why should Mankind or Humanity be so special? We have been led to believe this in preparation for 'slaughter' THAT something in us will survive death and this 'soul' is usually equated with whatever present personality the person has. Can you imagine a Heaven(the place where most people think they are going after death,if not to Hell) peopled with all the same personalities you now know, including your own? Unless some kind of transformation actually comes about during or after the process of death, there will be no sort of resurrection or immortality as popularly conceived and considered.


THOUGHT,usually in the form of ASSOCIATIONS, verbal and otehrwise, has freed itself from SENSATION and what has been called 'instincts'. HENCE, language, spoken or written,has assumed a primacy over all human behaviour. The origins of Language(s),however traceable to animal, primate or reptilian trends or tendencies as such are uniquely HUMAN. The various means and ways that animals,especially birds, apes, and insects, communicate are undeniable, of course, and merit constant study and appreciation and in this sense, ALL NATURE SINGS! All Nature resonates, vibrates, and interacts but we have lost,it would seem, all sense of this, all the old 'purity' of primal experience or have we?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


HOw do dogs die? Unless they are dogs raised in English, European, American environments as pets,carefully groomed and cherished, the majority of dogs, like mankind, die alone, in misery, in poverty, in pain, and unnoticed,among other things. Do you want to die like a dog? Most people have the notion that something survives after death. They also believe that there is a sort of Heaven or Paradise where something called a 'soul' goes after death, especially after undergoing a sort of 'purification' process- BUT DO DOGS HAVE A SOUL AND DO THEY GO TO HEAVEN? Of course, there is that book, ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN, which is a nice, sentimental one that dog lovers will appreciate, along with other classic books on dogs, but these are for people, not for dogs, and only for cultures that cherish and 'appreciate' and pamper dogs. IT IS A FACT, that some DOGS EAT BETTER THAN MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! The world is full of poor people and mistreated dogs, of course. SO, how do dogs fare in the world? Well, and this pun is intended, some are eaten as delicacies(fare) while others are beaten, kicked, tortured and subjected to what was once called vivisection, and now called 'MEDICAL RESEARCH' or 'SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH' and in the East the dog is not considered 'MAN'S BEST FRIEND' but kept,especially in small, rural villages, as 'watch-dogs' to run in packs and nip at the heels of strangers and passerebys or to warn at night of the approaches of others, especially crooks, thieves, etc. for which the dogs are given,if they are lucky, scraps of food for them and not for the pigs or other animals raised for food. Of course, in some Islamic countries, BOTH PIGS AND DOGS are LOW CREATURES, unclean, filthy,etc. In the case of the pig, I can well understand the restrictions and taboos on the flesh of such animals, having seen in the Philippines pigs running loose in some streets where they eat garbage,etc. and one example of a dog with diarrhea depositing his feces in the street where a pig came along and lapped it up like some rare delicacy. Wish I'd had a camera at the time.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Any discussion of 'INTELLIGENT DESIGN' usually invokes or encounters several positions taken bythose who attempt to discuss it, aside from an outright dismissall, on various grounds. The motives of those who do undertake this discussion are nearly always suspect or questioned,particularly if it seem those who do have ;an agenda rather than any real insight or understanding of the subject. There are those who adopt a very literal,fundamental consideration based on various religious backgrounds and who refer to and cite innumerable 'sacred', 'religious' or 'mystical' writings and compilations as both authoritative, as the truth, and necessary. These groups,often well-meaning,when confronted with others openly hostile,present problems in any rational discussion of this theory.There are groups who reject all such things as mentioned and embrace agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, and science as only being true. THE THEORY OF SPECIAL CREATION or INTELLIGENT DESIGN and the THEORY OF EVOLUTION, which is generally confined to the origins of life and only afterwards about the origins of the sun and planets and then to the galaxies and UNIVERSE(S) are the main focus of this discussion. Others may take a more practical viewpoint,'DOES IT REALLY MATTER IN THE LONG RUN?" to the man in the street, the peasant, the farmer, the sick and the dying and the poor? Still others will take a position that attempts to embrace all the contradictions found in all these positions, arguments, and outlooks AD INFINITUM.




Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This notion will appear at first glance not only to be ridiculous but outrageous to the ordinary ways of thinking!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Am I a monkey's uncle! The old expression,"Well I'll be a monkey's unclek!" might well be reversed slightly to say,"Am I my uncle's monkey?"


Thhis topic will cover what is best described as 'GREAT NATURE' and all its ramifications for the HUMAN RACE on this planet and perhaps others.