Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The Theory of Intelligent Design considers that LIFE itself has a specific design and for most holders of this theory, It is a DIVINE BEING that has designed LIFE and,in effect, set the WORLD in motion. There are innumerable difficulties in holding this belief in the way most religous persons do and most feel it most necessary to hold this notion in order to survive death. An analogy might show something about this. If MANKIND is compared to a FOREST,which is composed of living trees(let's hope you can see the trees for the forest and vice versa),then certain laws operate in this natural environment. The forest as we conceive it, is subject to storms, fires, and so forth but one thing confronts the forest: MAN. The Wood Chopper and the Wood Cutter come and chop or hew down the trees and turn them into 'products' or for firewood,etc. Some trees end up as toilet paper in the more 'civilized' countries of the West. Are any of the trees or logs cut down ever resurrected? Do they have immortal souls? Of course, they are transformed into other things or simply rot and become absorbed into the earth possibly. The figure of the GRIM REAPER, a symbol of death, can be compared to the Woodcutter . You can supply your own images of this and find many writings on a similar vein if you look. You can by examining history find examples of peoples all over the earth who have been 'cut down' ,slaughtered, decimated,etc. like the trees in this 'hypothetical' forest. Pondering on this calls to mind what one tyrant is claimed to have said:"THE DEATH OF ONE MAN IS A TRAGEDY; THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS IS A STATISTIC."

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