Tuesday, August 25, 2009


HOw do dogs die? Unless they are dogs raised in English, European, American environments as pets,carefully groomed and cherished, the majority of dogs, like mankind, die alone, in misery, in poverty, in pain, and unnoticed,among other things. Do you want to die like a dog? Most people have the notion that something survives after death. They also believe that there is a sort of Heaven or Paradise where something called a 'soul' goes after death, especially after undergoing a sort of 'purification' process- BUT DO DOGS HAVE A SOUL AND DO THEY GO TO HEAVEN? Of course, there is that book, ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN, which is a nice, sentimental one that dog lovers will appreciate, along with other classic books on dogs, but these are for people, not for dogs, and only for cultures that cherish and 'appreciate' and pamper dogs. IT IS A FACT, that some DOGS EAT BETTER THAN MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! The world is full of poor people and mistreated dogs, of course. SO, how do dogs fare in the world? Well, and this pun is intended, some are eaten as delicacies(fare) while others are beaten, kicked, tortured and subjected to what was once called vivisection, and now called 'MEDICAL RESEARCH' or 'SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH' and in the East the dog is not considered 'MAN'S BEST FRIEND' but kept,especially in small, rural villages, as 'watch-dogs' to run in packs and nip at the heels of strangers and passerebys or to warn at night of the approaches of others, especially crooks, thieves, etc. for which the dogs are given,if they are lucky, scraps of food for them and not for the pigs or other animals raised for food. Of course, in some Islamic countries, BOTH PIGS AND DOGS are LOW CREATURES, unclean, filthy,etc. In the case of the pig, I can well understand the restrictions and taboos on the flesh of such animals, having seen in the Philippines pigs running loose in some streets where they eat garbage,etc. and one example of a dog with diarrhea depositing his feces in the street where a pig came along and lapped it up like some rare delicacy. Wish I'd had a camera at the time.

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