Wednesday, December 22, 2010


There is a distinct relationship between MAN & TREES that has been ignored by numerous 'Paul Bunyans' and others who hew down and chop up these massive 'CREATURES' that are in the larger sense, 'LIVING BEINGS' and if we compare the structure of man and the structure of most trees, and some plants,etc. we will find a great number of similarities, especially IN THE SYSTEMS they both have.. MEN CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT TREES or the Forests/Jungles and plants, NOR CAN FORESTS/TREES, PLANTS, LIFE exist without man, despite the times when man was apparently not in existence or on earth.... The evolutionary focus on MAN and his doings has taken us away from the wider perspective of human existence and led us on a merry chase...keeping our attention on mere individual and social survival(along with economic and political)and not on total biological survival..... The Doctrine of 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST' is one of those slogans that people can easily pervert, distort, and misapply, and have,of course, long before it was ever uttered in the early Darwinian Days, and which seems opposed to 'altruism' and more reams of paper have been used to discuss these conflicts than most of us will ever have the time or opportunity to read and discuss, and they tend always to be emotional rather than rational, or actually placed under the guise of each by those opposed to such.... Man has been described by some as a 'walking tree' and his bipedal nature has been a long and important aspect in the present Earth Environment, a fact we do not take much account of in our daily lives until we are ready for a 'wheel chair' or some similar device..... ARISTOTLE defined man as 'a featherless biped' and this reminds us that in the past some persons were made 'feathered bipeds' via the time-honored 'tarring and featherings' that used to be commonplace in certain times... At any rate, we need to look beyond our backyards, which are becoming 'treeless' and at the increase of treeless lands, made more so by power companies that utilize land lines in heavily treed areas and so forth, as they demand and frequently go ahead, the destruction of trees to insure(which may or may not work in heavy storm/hurrican/tornado areas) their wires do not go down and that will cost a lot of bucks to get power up and running for power consumptive persons who need to watch their TVs and who cannot live without refigeration or lights,etc. Aside from that the damand for fuels has hit the forests which are being turned into wood pellets and biofuels and a number of other articles for consumption, such as toilet paper to wipe asses everywhere, whether in combat or in the woods.... Mapping the receding forests, jungles,etc. of the earth and the rise in what some term as global warming it is evident to those who can look beyond their nation, their continent, and view the entire world that something needs to be done to insure there is a 'global forest' left as the rise of carbon and lowering of oxygen will become major problems eventually that perhaps cannot be reversed entirely....... In the meantime, continue your breathing exercises if you do any, as eventually your lungs will not function the way you want and need them to do......

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