Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The false gods of contemporary man are msot numerous and very demanding,robbing men of their energies, theri true abilities and pure aspirations and their 'souls' which lie dormant or deformed or do not as yet exist. Men have no souls, really, but only the potential to create 'souls' which are far from being entirely immortal except within the bounds of the 'SOLAR SYSTEM' which no one really understands in the 'esoteric' sense. The 'DEVIL' or 'SATAN' or 'THE SERPENT' has told men: YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE'and this is the basis for the notion that man has an immortal soul that death cannot destroy. Just what the 'serpent',the 'devil' or 'satan' signify is, of course, something only a handful have figured out and even then their conclusions are 'doubtful' to say the least. There are two basic entities that man tends to worship(in some form or another,under numerous terms): MATTER & SPIRIT. MATTER has many aspects as does SPIRIT. A good example of MATTER is MAMMON or the God of Money for the ancients. SPIRIT has a very powerful aspect, SEX which assumes various subforms or facets, one of which is ONANISM, or false gratification of spiritual/sexual desires and expenditures of basic energies on artificial contrivances like: movies, television, computers, and other things that fascinate, hypnotize, or exert GLAMOUR- a spell that attracts attention away from 'REMEMBERING ONE'S SELF' AT ALL TIMES!


MOST PEOPLE PRESENTLY EXISTING ON THIS PLANET CALLED 'EARTH' ARE ACCIDENTS OF B IRTH, THE RESULTS OF LUST,PASSION, AND SEXUAL INTERCOURSE OF SOME KIND, but a vast majority all consider themselves 'created by God' or 'divine specimens', completely unique, the apex of 'creaton', the 'topmost', the 'utmost',etc. Many people spend time attempting to make 'sense' of the 'senseless' or 'sense' of 'NON-sense' or delve into a set of religious writings, as edifying and interesting as such may be, to justify their existence, to explain man's inhumanity to man, as well as to all forms of life, and to explain and/or relieve their anxieties that arise when confronted by 'evils', 'contradictions' or 'diverse' cultures. Reams of various scriptures are quoted and misquoted to explain whey God allows things to happen in the way they do happen and why mankind 'suffers', why mankind 'sins', why misery,strife, poverty, wars, and all kinds of things that do not meet everyone's approval exist! Arguments and dissertations abound on why God doesn't answer the prayers of everyone and anyone who appeals to Him, under whatever name is applied to whatever notion(s) one has of "GOD'. These believers reject the simple explanation that 'THERE IS NO GOD' that most ahteists and some agnostics put forth and prefer a rather UNCLEAR,jumbled and superstitious metaphysic that GOD DOES ALL IN HIS OWN GOOD TIME and will impose a VAST JUDGMENT designed to 'SEPARATE THE GOATS FROM THE SHEEP", believing, of course, that the 'goats'(with horns and cloven hooves) will go to HELL(for eternity) and the 'sheep' will enter HEAVEN(for all eternity)-NOT REALIZING,of course, that both goats and sheep are 'FOOD' and both are destined for slaughter! The terms 'sheep' and 'goats' are not to be taken literally but if you 'get someone's goat' what does that mean? It is an old expression. The 'scapegoat' either released into the wilderness or 'sacrificed' is the COUNTERPART of'the Lost Sheep' or 'the sacrificial LAMB' of ancient religions. 'SHEEP' & 'GOATS' multiply, reproduce and 'HERD'-their behaviour is often analogous to s0-called 'HUMAN BEHAVIOUR'. Masses of mankind, of course, have been slaughtered and massacred through the centuries for all kinds of reasons-but initially perhaps to serve as food-since cannibalism is still with us, as are a lot of other human institutions like: headhunting,piracy,slavery, tatooing,witchcraft,human sacrifice, etc.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


GREAT NATURE has recently let loose with an earthquake, a tsunami, and typhoons. While most persons merely view these things as 'tragedies', 'natural disasters', etc. the thing is that GREAT NATURE demands certain expenditures of energies and this is one of many ways of obtaining such. FOOD FOR THE GODS is based on the fact that ALL LIFE CONSUMES LIFE. THERE IS NO LIFE WITHOUT PRE-EXISTING LIFE. Man and all life transforms things. When you fall into the ocean or seas you become 'shark-bait' and when you fall off a cliff in the jungles and your die there, insects and bugs,etc. eat your flesh and also when you die, bacteria and microorganisms devour you body. Where then in these situations is YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL? Where are YOU? Is there any such entity as YOU?